caramel cream puff

Written by: Bujoart Editor



caramel cream puff

Prep time


Cook time






Are you ready to indulge in a heavenly treat? In this article, we will guide you through the step-by-step process of preparing caramel cream puffs that are sure to impress your family and friends. From making the perfect pastry dough to achieving a smooth and creamy caramel filling, we've got you covered. Get ready to master the art of creating these delectable treats that will have everyone asking for the recipe. So, grab your apron, gather your ingredients, and let's get started on this culinary adventure!

Why would you love this recipe for making caramel cream puff ?

Why do people like caramel cream puffs? Perhaps it's the irresistible combination of the rich, buttery pastry filled with luscious caramel cream. The sweet and velvety caramel perfectly complements the delicate puff pastry, creating a heavenly treat that satisfies both the sweet tooth and the craving for something indulgent.


  • 50g milk
  • 40g coconut oil
  • 50g low gluten flour
  • 1/2 teaspoon of lemon juice or vanilla extract
  • 4 large eggs
  • 45g granulated sugar
  • 120g caramel sauce
  • 400g cream


Step 1

Let's start with making the puffs. In a mixing bowl, add 40g coconut oil and 50g milk, and whisk them to fully combine.


Step 2

In the same bow, gradully add low gluten flour and whisk the mixture until fully combined. Then add 4 egg yolks to the mixture and beat well until the paste becomes smooth and glossy.


Step 3

In a new bowl, add 4 egg whites, 45g sugar and 1/2 teaspoon of lemon juice or vanilla extract.


Step 4

Whisk the mixture till the foam formed.


Step 5

Add half of the cream foam to the first paste bowl and gentlelly mix the two mixtures.


Step 6

Pour the paste back to the second mixing bowl of cream and continue to blend untill fully combined.


Step 7

Fill a pastry bag fitted with a small round tip with the cream psate. Gently squeeze to form a puff base on the parchment paper. Bake the puffs in the preheat oven of 320°F (160°C) for 25 minutes or until they are golden brown and puffed.


Step 8

Once the puffs are baked, remove them from the oven and let them cool completely on a wire rack. Fill the bottom puff with one layer of cream.


Step 9

Then fill another layer of caramel sauce in the center.

Full steps of making caramel sauce.


Step 10

Cover the caramel with another layer of cream.


Step 11

Cover the top with another puff to assemble the puff burger.


Step 12

Coat the puff burger with cream using a spoon. Drizzle the remaining caramel sauce over the cream puffs. Drizzling the caramel sauce adds visual appeal and enhances the flavor of the cream puffs.


Step 13

Allow the caramel sauce to set for a few minutes before serving. 


Congratulations on mastering the art of making caramel cream puffs! You've learned how to create a light and airy pastry shell, a smooth and velvety caramel cream filling, and how to drizzle caramel sauce to perfection. These delectable treats are sure to impress your family and friends. Whether you're hosting a special occasion or simply treating yourself, caramel cream puffs are the ultimate indulgence.

Pro Tips

Be precise with your measurements and follow the recipe instructions closely.

Use room temperature ingredients, especially for the pastry dough. Room temperature ingredients incorporate more easily and result in a smoother dough.

Room temperature ingredients incorporate more easily and result in a smoother dough.

Serving Suggestions for

  • Serve the caramel cream puffs immediately after drizzling them with the caramel sauce.
  • Freshly made cream puffs are at their best when they are still slightly warm and the caramel sauce is gooey.
  • The combination of warm cream puffs and luscious caramel sauce is simply irresistible.
  • Garnish the cream puffs with a dusting of powdered sugar or a sprinkle of cocoa powder.
  • Adding a touch of powdered sugar or cocoa powder adds an elegant finishing touch to the cream puffs.

Variations and Additions to

  • Chocolate Caramel Cream Puffs: Add cocoa powder to the pastry dough and fill the cream puffs with a chocolate caramel cream filling.
  • Nutty Caramel Cream Puffs: Sprinkle chopped nuts, such as almonds or pecans, on top of the caramel sauce for added crunch and flavor.
  • Fruit-filled Cream Puffs: Instead of caramel cream, fill the puffs with fresh berries or a fruit compote for a fruity twist.

Top Questions

Can I make the caramel sauce at home?

Yes! please check my homemade caramel sauce recipe here.